SELEX ES signs for 4-Flight 30/12/2014 |


Finmeccanica - Selex ES, as the lead industry of a EEIG (European Economic Interest Grouping) formed together with Vitrociset and other partners, has been awarded by ENAV, the Italian air navigation service provider, through European-wide public tendering procedure, a 205,9 million Euro framework contract for the development of 4-Flight programme, the new generation air traffic control system in Italy. The programme aims at designing and setting up the new system which will replace in nine years the existing one and will manage the 751,728 square kilometers of Italian airspace. The 4-Flight programme will develop in two phases: a first 4 years phase, when new system capabilities will be deployed in the Italian air traffic support facilities and a second one that will further enhance the system with additional functionalities compliant with operational needs, new regulations and requirements set down by the European programme SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research). SESAR will involve all the stakeholders of the air traffic world for the development of a European solution delivering the best safety and efficiency performances during the next 30 years. Thanks to the integration of a state-of-the-art software in approximately 1,000 high-end computers connected through a nationwide high-speed communication network, the 4-Flight programme will increase the overall operational capability of the air traffic controllers to deliver improved safety, punctuality and environmental efficiency to more than 1,800,000 flights every year in Italy

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